Our Work

Our Work

Efforts Driven by the Forge AHEAD Center


The efforts of Forge AHEAD Center focus on the Deep South region because it has higher rates of obesity, diabetes, and chronic conditions than other regions. To promote health equity in the area, we support 3 five-year research projects currently recruiting Black adults at risk for developing diabetes or living with diabetes. Also, Forge AHEAD Center is committed to awarding early stage investigators pilot award funds for chronic disease and health equity focused projects. In these ways, we are forging a future of informed, diverse researchers who are quick to collaborate and contribute regularly to scientific publications.

Current Research Projects

Pilot Award

Publications & Guidelines

Advance Health Equity With Us

Contact us today to learn more about the Forge AHEAD Center, our research, and how to partner with us.

Cite Forge AHEAD's Grant

Forge AHEAD Center is a regional comprehensive research center funded by a P50 grant from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD). Click below for citation information.

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