Feeding Hope: How One Researcher is Transforming Lives in the South

Feeding Hope: How One Researcher is Transforming Lives in the South

When Christopher Long, Ph.D., steps up to the microphone at the Forge AHEAD Center seminar, there’s a quiet urgency in his voice. It’s the conviction of someone who’s spent years researching how food impacts health outcomes and development of chronic diseases with a focus on the people living in the Southern U.S.

For Long, a principal research scientist at the Center for Nutrition and Health Impact, this lecture goes beyond presenting information. It’s a call to action — one grounded in a simple yet powerful idea: food is more than just something to eat; it’s medicine. Real medicine.

“I’m a psychologist,” he begins with a grin, his tone light. “Why the heck is a psychologist talking about food as medicine?”

It’s an unexpected opening, and Long knows it. Behind his friendly approach lies a more serious message: people in the South are dying — years earlier than they should be. The problem isn’t only about lacking healthcare; it’s about limited access to the food they need to survive.

A Personal Mission

Long’s journey didn’t begin in a lab or a hospital. It began in the early hours, and often out the door lines, where community members were waiting for the food pantry to open. Back in 2015, he found himself in food pantries across Arkansas, clipboard in hand, evaluating the quality of the food people were receiving. Through his work, Long realized the food itself was just one piece of a much bigger problem.

These were people whose needs weren’t being met by the overwhelmed healthcare system, people for whom a single bag of food might be all they had for days.

Long could see the cycle — poverty, illness, hunger — and he knew something had to change. Instead of simply treating patients, he wondered: why not feed them too?

From Local Roots to National Impact 

“Walmart will bring groceries to my front porch,” Long says with a laugh, recalling the idea that sparked his research. “What if we started bringing groceries to food-insecure households? Not very creative, but people wanted to fund that research.”

“The problem isn’t only about lacking healthcare; it’s about lacking access to the food they need to survive.”

Dr. Long emphasizes that access to healthy food is as crucial as access to medical care, especially in food deserts where fresh produce is scarce.

For six years, Long’s team studied the impact of delivering groceries paired with disease-management education. The results spoke for themselves. People welcomed the food, grateful to avoid food pantry lines, and, more importantly, they began managing their chronic conditions better.

By 2023, Long had established himself as a leader in Arkansas. But as the national Food is Medicine movement began picking up steam, he saw an opportunity to contribute on a larger scale. Across the country, healthcare systems and food programs were partnering to deliver healthy food to those who needed it most.

“This thing is really taking off,” Long recalls thinking. “There are national opportunities to change how we connect healthcare and communities with food systems.”

In 2023, Long joined the Center for Nutrition and Health Impact. His work now focuses on evaluating partnerships between food and healthcare systems at every level — local, regional, and national — to better serve food-insecure populations.

“I spend five days a week, 40 hours a week, talking to folks about partnerships between food systems and healthcare systems like clinics, hospitals, and even Medicaid and insurance payers,” Long says. “How can we understand the effectiveness of these partnerships? That’s what I do every day.”

For the families he works with, these partnerships are a lifeline. But for Long, they’re much more — they’re a way to chip away at the deep-rooted disparities that have plagued the Southern U.S. for too long.

Food, Poverty, and Disparity in the South

The numbers are staggering. In Mississippi, nearly one in five households is food insecure. Louisiana, Arkansas, and Alabama are close behind. These states also lead the nation in obesity, diabetes, and heart disease rates.

“We are dying faster,” Long says bluntly, his tone shifting with urgency. “You live in Mississippi? You should expect to live ten years less than someone in Hawaii.”

The statistics are chilling, but they’re not what drives Long. It’s the faces behind the numbers — the mothers stretching a bag of food across three days, elderly patients splitting medication costs with groceries, children eating whatever their parents can find.

And it’s not just about hunger. Food insecurity in the South is intricately tied to race and socioeconomic status. Black and Hispanic communities are hit hardest, living in neighborhoods where fresh produce is scarce and affordable groceries are a luxury. These “food deserts” become breeding grounds for chronic diseases, creating a cycle that’s tough to break.

Food is Medicine directly addresses two of these systems,” Long says, pointing to healthcare and food access. “The reason why our states and our neighbors are facing these disparities in food insecurity and lifespan — it’s rooted in our neighborhoods, our communities.”

A Movement for Change

Long knows that solving these issues will take more than just one person or program. But he believes that the South, with its strong sense of community, can rise to the challenge. He points to the faith-based organizations, small businesses, and agricultural communities already stepping up, working alongside him to build local food systems and distribute healthy meals.

“It’s not easy,” Long admits. “But it’s necessary. Our communities have the heart. They have the passion. They just need the support.”

The fight is long, but the wins are already coming. Data from his programs show that those receiving medically tailored meals and groceries are eating better and managing their diseases more effectively. Fewer hospital readmissions, fewer emergency room visits, better control of chronic conditions. The evidence is building, catching the attention of policymakers and healthcare providers alike.

“In Mississippi, nearly one in five households is food insecure.”

Southern states face some of the highest rates of food insecurity and chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.



“We are dying faster. You live in Mississippi? You should expect to live ten years less than someone in Hawaii.”


But for Long, the real victory will come when programs like his are no longer needed — when food insecurity is no longer part of life in the South.

The Why Behind the Work

As Long finishes his presentation, he scans the room one last time. The weight of the situation is clear to everyone listening. He knows that Food is Medicine is more than a project or a catchy slogan. It’s a lifeline for millions of people in the South, trapped in a web of poverty, illness, and hunger.

“I’m trying to sell you on doing this research,” he says, his voice softening. “But really, I’m trying to show you the power of what we can do together.”

For Long, this work is all about people. It’s about dignity. It’s about giving people the most basic of human rights — the right to eat, the right to live.

Because in the end, food isn’t just food. It’s medicine. And in the South, it might just be the most powerful medicine of all.

Addressing racism in cardiometabolic health research

Addressing racism in cardiometabolic health research

Pennington Biomedical Research Center hosted Michele Allen, M.D., and Kene Orakwue, MPH for the Forge AHEAD April seminar where they presented on their innovative approaches to combatting health disparities, building on a framework that acknowledges the deep impact that racism has on health outcomes.

Allen, associate professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School and MPI for the C2DREAM Center, provided an in-depth overview of the center’s objectives and methods, emphasizing their proactive stance against racism in health research.

She noted, “We are striving to advance this field… We have significant partnerships with indigenous groups, reflecting our commitment to anti-colonial perspectives and the parallels among indigenous, Black, and immigrant communities.” This underscores the center’s dedication to inclusivity and diversity in health research, acknowledging various dimensions of racism and colonial impacts.

Allen further emphasized the critical need for incorporating a framework that considers racism in health research, stating, “To dismantle racism, we must understand how it functions and manifests, not only within communities but also within our research endeavors.

It is essential for health equity researchers to consider racism both as a social determinant of health and in how it influences our research methodologies.” This serves as a crucial reminder of the systemic nature of racism and its extensive impact on health disparities.

Structural racism and its impact on health outcomes

Orakwue, doctoral student at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, enhanced the dialogue by introducing a detailed framework demonstrating how structural racism affects health outcomes. Orakwue stressed the need for a structural analysis of racism, stating, “It’s crucial to consider racism at a structural level, as health inequities often emerge not just from momentary snapshots but from longstanding systemic issues.” This insight is vital for understanding the prolonged and systemic nature of health disparities driven by racism.

Orakwue also highlighted the complexity of racism, adding, “Racism manifests in various forms; it upholds white supremacy and different oppressive systems, depending on the targeted population… How do we start to address these multifaceted issues?” Her discussion points to the need for a comprehensive approach to tackle racism effectively.

Concluding insights

In her concluding remarks, Allen emphasized the significance of these discussions and frameworks in progressing the battle against health disparities. She affirmed, “This work is foundational to our operations and essential for our continuous efforts to effectively address racial inequities in health. We must persistently refine our understanding and methodologies to ensure our research and interventions are both effective and equitable.”

Facilitating ongoing dialogues on health inequity

These insights from C2DREAM resonate deeply with Forge AHEAD’s mission to challenge health inequities through informed and inclusive research methodologies. By sharing and deliberating on these strategies, Forge AHEAD seeks to deepen the community’s understanding of and engagement with these critical issues.

Engage and discover more

Forge AHEAD invites the community to participate in the upcoming fall seminar series, designed to further explore these and similar themes. This series provides a platform for community members, researchers, and policymakers to actively engage with the challenges and progress in addressing health disparities influenced by systemic racism. We also encourage viewing the recap of our seminar presentations to gain additional insights into how these discussions are evolving and influencing our approach to health equity.

Forge AHEAD is dedicated not only to discussing these issues but also to implementing practical and impactful strategies that address them at the systemic level, ensuring a healthier future for all communities. Join us in this pivotal conversation and be part of the change.

View the recording of the May seminar below:

Pathways to Combat Food Insecurity and Enhance Community Health

Pathways to Combat Food Insecurity and Enhance Community Health

Seth A. Berkowitz, M.D., MPH, explored how tackling food insecurity can significantly improve health outcomes and empower communities at this month’s Forge AHEAD Center (FAC) seminar. The seminar, held at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Population Health, offered a deep dive into the systemic challenges and practical solutions concerning food insecurity—a pressing issue that aligns closely with FAC’s ongoing commitment to health equity and community empowerment.

In his presentation, “Food Insecurity, Diabetes, and Distributive Institutions”, Dr. Berkowitz provided a deep dive into what it means to live without reliable access to nutritious food. He described food insecurity as a “lack of consistent access to the food needed for an active, healthy lifestyle,” a daily reality that many in our communities may be painfully familiar with. “Food insecurity is principally a problem of distributive institutions,” Dr. Berkowitz shared. He emphasized that systemic issues in income distribution greatly impact access to adequate nutrition. This challenge is especially critical for individuals managing chronic conditions like diabetes, where consistent and nutritious meals are crucial for maintaining health.

Dr. Berkowitz called for a combined effort of healthcare solutions and policy changes. He spoke about the benefits of community-supported nutritional programs and policy reforms that aim to break down these barriers. To effectively tackle food insecurity, he emphasized the vital roles of community involvement and policy advocacy. He suggested advocating for improved social safety nets and fair food distribution, supporting local food banks and health programs, and educating others about how health connects with economic and social factors. By getting involved in these ways, everyone can contribute to a deeper understanding and drive meaningful change in their communities.

The insights from Dr. Berkowitz shed light on the connection between food insecurity and health and emphasize how every one of us has a part to play in addressing these challenges. The Forge AHEAD Center is dedicated to sparking change and enabling our community to achieve better health through informed collective action.

Your participation is crucial as we continue to advocate for systemic changes and pursue health equity for everyone. Join us in turning these insights into meaningful community action.

View the recording of the presentation below.

Join us at our next seminar in May, where we will host Michele Allen, M.D., MS, associate professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School and one of the leads of the C2DREAM Center (another P50 NIH-funded center part of the Health Equity Action Network), and Kene Orakwue, MPH, doctoral student at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities for their presentation titled, “Racism as a foundational contributor to inequities across multiple chronic diseases”. For more details and registration, please visit this page.

Pioneering Paths to Maternal Health Equity: Dr. Sharon J. Herring’s Visit Illuminates Solutions at February FAC Seminar

Pioneering Paths to Maternal Health Equity: Dr. Sharon J. Herring’s Visit Illuminates Solutions at February FAC Seminar

The Forge AHEAD Center’s (FAC) Scientific Seminar Series recently featured Sharon J. Herring, MD, MPH, an associate professor at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine. In collaboration with the Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC) and FAC, Dr. Herring’s visit marks a significant stride toward health equity.

The event kicked off with a lunch meeting where Dr. Herring shared her insights with FAC Pilot Award Scholars and Early-Stage Investigators at UAB, including Camille Worthington, Shena Gazaway, and Kaylee Crockett. This precursor set the stage for Dr. Herring’s compelling presentation, “Addressing Maternal Mortality: Advancing Community-Engaged Solutions,” highlighting the urgent need to tackle racial disparities in maternal health outcomes through community-driven solutions.

Our community, especially Black Americans and low-income populations in the Deep South, faces significant health disparities, notably in maternal health. Dr. Herring’s presentation shone a light on hope, featuring initiatives like Project HEAR and Change of HEART, focused on addressing trauma, building trust, and enhancing community engagement in maternal healthcare.

The Forge AHEAD Center is committed to diminishing health disparities through impactful research, education, and direct community engagement. Dr. Herring’s work underscores the significant impact of our collective efforts, pushing us closer to a future where health equity is not just an ideal but a reality.

Dr. Herring’s insights emphasize the urgency of the Forge AHEAD mission beyond maternal health, calling for systemic changes and community-driven solutions across all aspects of health equity. This collaborative endeavor is crucial in addressing the health disparities that plague our communities, highlighting the importance of informed action and advocacy for a healthier future for everyone.

View the recording of the presentation below.

Join Us for the Next Seminar: Your participation is crucial in driving our mission forward. Learn how you can be part of the change at our upcoming March seminar event. For details and registration, please visit this page.

Inaugural Forge AHEAD Seminar – A Meaningful Start

Inaugural Forge AHEAD Seminar – A Meaningful Start

Forge AHEAD kicked off the Center’s monthly seminar series on April 26, 2023 as twenty-one attendees from 3 states and multiple institutions gathered on Zoom for a presentation by Drs. Tina Kempin Reuter and Casey Herman. These two presenters shared the results of our their mixed-methods research on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic for family members and caregivers of people with disabilities and chronic diseases. The presentation included sobering feedback from the caregiver community and shed light on the needs of the high-risk population that feels unseen and underrepresented. The summary of Drs. Kempin Reuter and Herman inspired discussion of actionable points, the need for community partner input in research, and advocating for human rights as a motivator for change.

Thank you to our presenters and attendees for the meaningful hour together!

View the recording of the presentation below.